Fiery IPA BBQ Pulled Chicken

Fiery IPA BBQ Pulled Chicken


- 6-8bone-in chicken thighs

- 1 tbs Chillichup or Shutup Dry Rub

- 2 tbs olive oil

- 75ml or ½bottle of Fiery IPA BBQ sauce

- 2tablespoons apple cider vinegar

- 1 tbs Worcestershire sauce

- 1 can of stout (or your choice of beer)

The Method

1. Unwrap the Chicken: Take the chicken thighs out of their packaging and pop them into a large bowl or a resealable bag.

2. Rub It Down: Give those chicken thighs a generous rub down with either Chillichup Rub or Shut Up Rub.

3. Oil It Up: Drizzle in a pan 2 tablespoons of olive oil and cook the chicken until its golden brown on all sides.

4. Sauce Magic: In a separate bowl, blend together the Fiery IPA BBQ sauce, apple cider vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, and millionaire milk stout.

5. Coat the Chicken: Pour this saucy goodness over the chicken thighs in the pan, making sure they’re fully covered.

6. Cook to Perfection: Pop the pan with the chicken into a preheated oven Gas Mark 6/200Cfor 20-25 minutes or until it’s perfectly cooked and tender.

7. Reduce the sauce: Remove the chicken from the sauce and allow to cool slightly. Meanwhile, place the pan with the sauce back onto the hob and reduce to a thick glossy glaze.

8: Shred it up: With forks shred the chicken off the bone and add to the saucy glaze. Mix well. Serve with tacos or a toasted brioche bun. Time to feast!